Operating System Microsoft Windows XP

Operating System  Microsoft Windows XP

Operating System Microsoft Windows XP

Windows XP is one OS or one based graphical operating system, created by the Microsoft Corporation for use on a computer, such as personal...
by samuelkurnianta , at 7:49 PM , have 0 comments

History of Operating Systems

History of Operating Systems

History of Operating Systems

The operating system is an interface between the user of the computer by the computer hardware. Before any operating system, people onl...
by samuelkurnianta , at 7:38 PM , have 0 comments

Computer Operating Systems List

Computer Operating Systems List

Computer Operating Systems List

The operating system is the interface between the hardware and the user , the operating system also serves as a control program in order...
by samuelkurnianta , at 7:16 PM , have 0 comments