Familiar hardware or heard in the local language as computer hardware is part of the computer that has the properties of concrete or tang...
Definition and Function of Motherboard
Definition and Function of Motherboard
by samuelkurnianta , at 11:14 AM , have
Cause Damage of Computer Laptop Hard Drive
Cause Damage of Computer Laptop Hard Drive
What Are the Causes Damage Laptop Computer Hard Drive? Damage that occurs in not only caused by the hard drive manufacturer but also the qu...
by samuelkurnianta , at 1:29 PM , have
Function of Computer Ports
Function of Computer Ports
One time you may be facing a situation where you have to put the computer cables alone. For example, runs a computer service. At such times,...
by samuelkurnianta , at 5:56 AM , have
Tips on Caring for Your Keyboard
Tips on Caring for Your Keyboard
ergonomic keyboard The keyboard is one component that complements the computer. For those of you who often spend time at the computer, u...
by samuelkurnianta , at 5:13 AM , have
Different Types of Computer Monitors
Different Types of Computer Monitors
Initially, the computer monitor used for data processing while television receivers used for entertainment. From 1980 onwards, computers (a...
by samuelkurnianta , at 11:55 AM , have
Internal Components on Computer
Internal Components on Computer
In my writing this time I will explain about the internal components are contained on the computer. It's important to understand the maj...
by samuelkurnianta , at 11:15 AM , have