Tips on Caring for Your Keyboard

Tips on Caring for Your Keyboard

ergonomic keyboard
ergonomic keyboard
The keyboard is one component that complements the computer. For those of you who often spend time at the computer, use a keyboard that is really comfortable to wear are important things that your fingers and your wrist is not sore and tense. How to choose a good keyboard and comfortable to wear? Here are some tips that can be taken into consideration.

1. Choose an ergonomic keyboard. For those who frequently interact with the computer, it is advisable to choose an economical keyboard. Ergonomic keyboard will help reduce the strain on your wrists. Note also the comfort and ease of pressing the keyboard. Ergonomic keyboards are usually flat and are generally divided into two segments. Sometimes there is also a track ball can be used as a mouse. All of these facilities are presented in order to avoid the user puts his hand in the wrong position, which will result in prolonged illness.

2. Keyboard color also affect the eyesight. Ergonomics is not just limited to the shape and design only. Color is also one important element of ergonomic. Avoid contrasting colors, because the colors as it is not included in the category of ergonomics. Choose the color of the keyboard that are not 'sick' to the eye. Generally, black and silver color options to consumers.

3. Consider the extra functionality that is included on the keyboard. The extra functions will simplify your work while struggling with the computer. Some keyboards are expensive and there is even a button to display the Windows pocket calculator program. There is also a keyboard that allows users to assign functions to the buttons. This means that all activities are carried out can be recalled simply by pressing a button on the keyboard.

4. For users who want the security of the computer, can be started from the keyboard. Because the currently available keyboard that can detect fingerprints. Fingerprints is what determines whether a person can use the keyboard or not.

5. Choose a keyboard with a USB port. This facility will allow you a happy romp with an MP3 player or digital camera.

6. Adjust the price of the keyboard with your bag. About the price? Certainly there are many variations of keyboards prices ranging from U.S. $ 10 for a regular keyboard and $ 300 for the keyboard that comes with 3 USB ports.

Meanwhile ergonomic keyboards available for around U.S. $ 40. Adjust to the needs and capacity of the bag you are going to buy a keyboard for a moment. Treat the keyboard by means of diligent cleaning. Expensive stuff though, if not treated will be damaged over time. Use a brush to clean between the keys of the keyboard. And of course, do not eat or drink nearby because it could accidentally spill food or drink on the keyboard.

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Posted by samuelkurnianta, Published at 5:13 AM and have 0 comments

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