In 1946 the transistor began to be used on a computer. At that time there were other inventions including a magnetic core memory, which makes the size of the computer in this generation become smaller, faster and energy efficient than the size of the previous generation of computers. The second generation computers use transistors and diodes to replace vacuum tubes, although both are also flammable.
Stretch is the name of the second generation computer created by IBM and LARC is a second generation computers made by Sprery-Rand. computer computer is then developed by the laboratory of atomic energy, and can handle large amounts of data. Her machine is very expensive and too complex for business needs, so that limited its popularity.
In the second generation of computers, introduced a new way to store data, which is the basis of magnetic storage. Storage magnetically soft iron using iron-ridden by wire. The second generation of computer processing speed faster than the first generation. Originally, the second generation of computers using high-level programming language, such as FORTRAN (1954) and COBOL (1959). Second language machine language program that replaces the (low level language). In this generation, the size of the smaller computer. The computer generation is used to process the data in the field of commerce, universities, and military.
So this programming language has been able to replace the previous code with complex sentences and mathematical formulas that can be more easily understood by users. Given this, the person can set up the computer and also easy to program.
Given this concept of the computer can print customer invoices and minutes later design products besides can calculate payroll. It was then start popping new profession namely: programmers, computer systems experts, as well as system analysts. Additionally during this second generation computers began to emerge Business Software.
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