How to Set BIOS Computer or Laptop

How to Set BIOS Computer or Laptop

BIOS is often overlooked, as long as your PC system running smoothly. Despite the fact many performance improvements that can be obtained from here. Including the BIOS firmware, software stored in ROM (read only memory) on the motherboard. BIOS is what allows the PC to process initialization and testing hardware installed on the motherboard, which is called the POST (Power On Self Test). BIOS also set the low-level I / O, such as keyboards and displays. The operating system also helped the BIOS to set all the components installed on the PC, called BIOS Run-Time Services.

The user PC / computer know that there are many settings that can enhance the performance of your PC or add functionality without having to incur additional costs, of an interesting thing. The only thing you need is a little time sacrificed to try new settings of your BIOS.

BIOS is varied. This is because the manufacturer that makes a difference or a difference in the BIOS version. Not all motherboards have BIOS and has the same menu display, there is a slight difference here and there. There is even a BIOS that supports the use of the mouse in the BIOS environment.

Before starting ruffled BIOS, be sure to know the direction and goals. Better yet, if you have owned a copy of the initial settings of your computer. If you are familiar with the environment in the BIOS menu, you have a better chance of success in enhancing the performance and add functionality to do your PC

All this we will start by pressing [Del] PC shortly begin the boot process. This applies to most of the BIOS. Whereas the rest, to enter the BIOS utility requires multiple key presses or different key combinations. There is by pressing [F1], the [F10], or a combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Esc], and so forth. This kind of information is usually supplied by motherboard manufacturers, both in the manual and its website.

Here is How to
True Setting Bios Computer or Laptop:

Set BIOS Computer

Setup Utility
Know who you want. Where the function settings that you want?

Standard CMOS features
Basic settings, such as time and date, hard drive installed. Also displays the amount of RAM installed on the motherboard.

Advanced BIOS features
As the name suggests, offers the additional feature configuration. Such as to enable SMART, including set boot priority.

Integrated Peripherals
Control ports available on the motherboard, onboard / onchip integrated devices such as audio, video, and LAN controller.

Power Management
Think green. To save electricity by slowing down or even shut down a component of your PC, after a specified time interval. In addition to saving electricity were, could indirectly reduce noise level and extend component life.

PnP / PCI Configuration
Additional settings specific to the PCI slot on the motherboard is also the ability to edit the plug-and-play.

PC Health status
Monitoring of hardware, such as CPU temperature and fan speed. Can also be set so that the computer screaming, even die if it passes a certain temperature.

Load Fail-safe Defaults

If tweaking the BIOS one, select this function to return to its original configuration.

Load Optimised Defaults
To restore the system to default.

Set a password
Gives password will lock the PC. If there are two levels of security, user and supervisor, limited users can only turn on the computer. While the supervisor password to enter the BIOS.

Save and Exit the BIOS
To exit, while saving all the changes that have been made​​.

Exit Without Saving

To exit without saving any changes.

Improved Features
Observe the BIOS to find what features are hidden dive your PC.
Tweaking the BIOS not only aims solely to increase the speed. Although anyone will feel happy (even proud) if you have a PC that runs quickly and smoothly is also stable.

Power management can make your PC more energy efficient, and environmentally friendly indirectly also save MTBF components in it. Set the boot sequence gives control to sort the order of devices to boot if you need to boot from a CD or floppy. Enabling the SATA port that has been hidden because it has not been activated also something to be thankful for. Things like this will be done on this discussion.

Parallel Port
To set the parallel port, usually located in the Integrated Peripherals menu. Especially if you are still using a printer or ............... This port should be set in order to communicate bi-directional.

Serial Ports

In setting the onboard serial port options are enabled and disabled. Also setting IRQ and I / O range for COM1 and COM2. Disable this option, it means you have 2 IRQ is free. Unless you still have a device that is communicating with the serial port.

Options for the USB controller can usually be found also in the Integrated Peripherals section. Here you can enable or disable the onboard USB controller. Unless you have an add-on PCI USB controller card (alternative if your motherboard does not yet support USB2.0). Setting any USB keyboard and mouse are also available here. By enabling USB keyboard, you can use a USB keyboard on DOS or BIOS though. Of course, after setting in the BIOS is enabled and saved.

That said, this setting also provides improved performance. But certainly, the SMART (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is definitely useful. Especially if you have a hard drive that is already quite old. By enabling this function, you will get early warning of "irregularities" on your hard drive physically. At least you have enough time to save the data on the hard drive before the hard drive is completely broken.

Boot Sequence
By default, the device is a floppy ranks first. By choosing the first order of the boot into the hard drive, the time required for the boot process will be reduced.
However, at certain moments, when the operating system is experiencing problems or installation of a new operating system, requires booting from the CD. Some BIOS Boot Sequence on this even allows to boot from USB devices, Firewire, LS120, or Zip drive.

PC Health
In the PC Health you can monitor your hardware, especially those connected directly to the motherboard. Such as processor temperature and the temperature of the system chassis. The fan speed is also seen here. You can check if the fan is still running normally without the need to open the case. However, to examine the HSF in a clean state or is full of dust, how to open the case and see immediately is the only best way.

Speed ​​Enhancement

Tweaking to improve the speed of your PC via its own BIOS need patience. Do it in your spare time! By doing the proper tweaks in the BIOS, you will get an increase in speed. And this is not only with overclocking (OC) for your PC components. Because usually, especially owners of PC assembly, assembler stores the BIOS settings only with the purpose of making home PC can run (thanks much less stable if it is fast). All you need to do is to optimize every component on your PC via the BIOS settings.

System Performance

BIOS can be found on some sort of shortcut to increase the speed of your system. Usually in the form of options Normal, Fast, and Turbo. Typically this option will adjust the clock frequency of the FSB (Front Side Bus) and DDR SDRAM memory sometimes too. BIOS also often provide the Load Optimized Defaults option. By knowing the BIOS functions better, you will get a better PC performance as well.

CPU Frequency

To adjust the CPU speed, go to the Advanced Chipset Feature option. As the CPU speed information obtained from the product of the ratio of the CPU clock and the FSB frequency. Most CPUs can not be changed its CPU clock ratio (except for most AMD Athlon XP). Thus, the focus of this discussion will take on the FSB frequency. Make sure the FSB frequency in accordance with the processor you have. For AMD processor between 66/100/133 and 166/200, while the Intel processor.

AGP Settings
From the BIOS can also improve performance PC graphics.

1. AGP aperture size to regulate the amount of RAM allocated to AGP. Set between ¼ to ½ of the amount of RAM installed on the motherboard.
2. Select the appropriate mode specification AGP AGP slot on the motherboard and video card you.
3. Increase AGP frequency, can improve the graphics performance of your PC. Add little by little (1-2 MHz).

Few tips, do not be tempted to skip ahead, say 5 MHz. It can make the most of your PC boot failure. The only way to stay clear CMOS. If the system is unstable (hang) but you insist on doing OC, could try to increase the CPU core voltage.

Warning: This method is not recommended, as it will increase the heat even damage the processor. To be safe, give the maximum temperature limit of your CPU. Can only warning of the buzzer / PC speakers or Autoshutdown when the temperature reaches the limit.

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Posted by samuelkurnianta, Published at 2:36 PM and have 0 comments

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